Tuesday 13 April 2010

Carey outburst on Woods' wife?

Apparently according to a news story Jim Carey claimed that Elin (Tiger Woods wife) must have known about the affairs and been a 'willing participant'. Now the story claims that this was an outrageous outburst from Carey however this is exactly what he said.

'No wife is blind enough to miss that much infidelity. Elin had 2 b a willing participant on the ride 4 whatever reason. kids/lifestyle ;^)'

Now forgive me if i am being slightly stupid here... but am i the only one who can see that emoticon at the end that suggests that Jim is JOKING? I mean he is simply talking and making an outlandish comment that he as a comedian would be expected to make. If you do your homework and actually read his twitter page you will see that he is often talking about controversial subjects and making jokes out of them in one way or another.

For Carey's Twitter click HERE

Monday 12 April 2010

Frankie 'Down with the Syndrome' Boyle..

Now im all for nasty comedians, i love the way they poke fun at people and parts of life that most of us will only talk about in our own living rooms. But Frankie Boyle really was an idiot this time around.

He made jokes about down syndrome for around 5 mins which upset (not offended) a member in the front row, she did not voice her opinion and tried to keep quiet (she was crying) but Frankie singled her out and asked why she was upset. Now this is all pretty terrible if you ask me, but what made it absoultely shocking was the way in which he handled the situation, his arrogance and ignorance somehow made him work out that the BEST answer to this situation was firstly "well you know its true then dont you?"

and DISGUSTINGLY second "Well i dont give a fuck this is my last tour ever anyway.'' Im guessing he only realised that after his 5 minute tirade of jokes on down syndrome.

Im not personally affected by any of this, and i know there are a million other jokes that could offend but it is the way he dealt with the situation that makes me so dissapointed.

To read the article click HERE
To see a video on his most disgusting jokes click HERE

Sunday 11 April 2010

What a TWIT..ter.

You may have seen in the news recently that a labour MP was sacked by Gordon Brown for being an idiot... no im joking, for posting abusive comments on his Twitter account.

Now im no expert P.R man but honestly anyone who is running for a seat in parliament and is calling Commons Speaker John Bercow a "t**", David Cameron a "t***" and Nick Clegg, the Liberal Democrat leader, "a b******" REALLY needs to be sacked.

It stuns me how someone who is clearly being watched and is talking on Twitter can say such things without possibly considering the consequences of his actions.

There is no two ways about this, it was bad, more so then that... it was plain stupid. It still amazes me how some people lack absolute common sense in their lives.. (especially our loved politicians).

For the article on the story click HERE
For a Youtube video by a man called SpinnyF*** (Who is opposed to the sacking) click HERE

Saturday 10 April 2010

Oh Tigers not out of the Woods is he?

Good old Eldrick 'Tiger' Woods.

The man who will now FOREVER be famous because of his string on infidelities. He has lost sponsor deals, quite a lot of face and a serious amount of female respect.... however look at his reception from being back at the Masters in Augusta... people couldn't honestly care less.

Its strange that we all disliked Tiger for what happened but he is so important to golf that without him the viewing figures drop, prize money drops, crowds drop... Its quite funny how someone who does something so wrong but is so important is instantly forgiven because without him golf reverts back to being that boring sport for old white men.

For a link on a YouTube video about him click HERE
For a link on an interesting article on how Golf was feeling his absence (financially) click HERE

Friday 9 April 2010

Response to Being Worse's Blog 'Soffware Downloads'

So i know im being risky responding to my tutor but he (or you if your marking this at the moment Mark.) always provides an interesting read.

I completely agree with your issues around Microsoft and i personally have always disliked the way anything Microsoft will become SUPER SLOW after a period of a bout 4 months or so.

I hate to admit that i have changed to the dark sickening GUI side of life (macs) and i find that while their prices are extortion (That's where Dads and Uni discount come in)... they are incredible when it comes to usability and look great (or sickening haha). In complete disagreement with your picture i'm not doing this to be different just because i got bored and wanted to really see what the mac fuss was all about!

I think your writing style is great, always a fun read and while your post is not exactly about any kind of being bad i hope you accept this reply as a simple comment to another user on their writing and content :)

Windows are definitely being bad however.... absolutely robbing our pockets on their software prices

HOWEVER Mr. Jones, i suggest you do some reading on 'cloud computing' verrrry interesting and it would effectively kill of Microsoft. Its a type of OS where everything is web-based, all files, programs etc etc and you only use them when you need to (so no software downloads or anything ... i.e screwwwing Mr Gates).

See www.beingworse.blogspot.com for more fun from Mr. Jones (ledge.)

Monday 5 April 2010

Goldfish Granny Dealer...

I can not believe how ridiculous this story is. A poor woman was fined 1000 pounds and got tagged for selling a goldfish to a 14 year old boy.

How on earth does she deserve to be treated like that? This ordeal has actually cost US the taxpayer (well not me as im a student haha) 20,000 pounds. Not only that in the Daily Mail they outline a large number of people who have commited worse crimes but had to do less!

for example,

A heroin dealer was busted and only served a 12 month community service punishment,


A man beat a dog to death with a hammer and was only tagged for four months with NO fine.

How on earth does this justice weigh up at all? It was revealed that the boy was a sting (set up by the police)... shouldn't they really be using the boy for things like busting drug dealers outside schools... if its even ETHICAL to use a 14 year old in the first place. Add to that, this boy was 6ft tall and a few days short of his 15th birthday, and its only in the last four years that this has become illegal as before they were given away as prizes at fairs!

Rant over.

For the article click HERE
For an interesting blog on the article click HERE

Friday 2 April 2010

Respone to Eloheem: poppa was a...........

You have quite a way with words Daniel and your blogs are always hiding a slight amount of humour on whatever it is that you write about which is refreshing.

Now to the point, are lies ever acceptable? that is the question. I feel that we can only honestly judge a lie when we actually research the meaning and surrounding issues around it. Unfortunately that is almost impossible to do unless you are the liar yourself. Should the child have been bribed? well odds are he will spill the beans at some point in later life anyways... But what if Daddy was being blackmailed? or doing it because his wife was abusive? (you see what im getting at?)

Anyways man you gotta be careful when your blogging about Tiger Woods like that ;^)

See www.eloheem.blogspot.com