Tuesday 13 April 2010

Carey outburst on Woods' wife?

Apparently according to a news story Jim Carey claimed that Elin (Tiger Woods wife) must have known about the affairs and been a 'willing participant'. Now the story claims that this was an outrageous outburst from Carey however this is exactly what he said.

'No wife is blind enough to miss that much infidelity. Elin had 2 b a willing participant on the ride 4 whatever reason. kids/lifestyle ;^)'

Now forgive me if i am being slightly stupid here... but am i the only one who can see that emoticon at the end that suggests that Jim is JOKING? I mean he is simply talking and making an outlandish comment that he as a comedian would be expected to make. If you do your homework and actually read his twitter page you will see that he is often talking about controversial subjects and making jokes out of them in one way or another.

For Carey's Twitter click HERE

1 comment:

  1. I think Jim carey has every right to poke fun at people. After all he is a comedian, and these people like tiger woods have put themselves in the spotlight. They love every bit of it when the money is rolling in, but are suddenly sorry and repentant when the sponsors pull out. As theblog i have just being reading said Carey does this all the time.
