Sunday 11 April 2010

What a TWIT..ter.

You may have seen in the news recently that a labour MP was sacked by Gordon Brown for being an idiot... no im joking, for posting abusive comments on his Twitter account.

Now im no expert P.R man but honestly anyone who is running for a seat in parliament and is calling Commons Speaker John Bercow a "t**", David Cameron a "t***" and Nick Clegg, the Liberal Democrat leader, "a b******" REALLY needs to be sacked.

It stuns me how someone who is clearly being watched and is talking on Twitter can say such things without possibly considering the consequences of his actions.

There is no two ways about this, it was bad, more so then that... it was plain stupid. It still amazes me how some people lack absolute common sense in their lives.. (especially our loved politicians).

For the article on the story click HERE
For a Youtube video by a man called SpinnyF*** (Who is opposed to the sacking) click HERE

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