Friday 5 March 2010

Being Bad is Good?

Isn't it always better to let things out? Thats what i was told, (of course there is a time and a place) but holding pent-up aggression or sadness can lead to problems in your health mentally and physically.

While we are more often than not told to not hold back, we are never expected to ball our eyes out or scream and shout on a daily basis to 'feel better'. Well a certain Victoria Lambert in the Daily Mail claims to have found that a large number of things we would consider bad for us are actually fantastic for our health.

I shall name but a few!

1. Swearing actually eases pain (i recently saw proof of that on Friday 5th March on embarresing bodies, check 4OD for that Episode.)

2. Fizzy Drinks actually can reduce your chances of Alzheimers and dementia

3. Lazing about adds years to your life

4. Video Games Boost your metabolism

5. Fidgiting Fights Obesity.

To name but a FEW! And while these are rather exotic statements to make, the article does provide all the necessary information (should you choose to believe it or not) on the studys and research conducted to prove these points!

This couldn't fit the topic and module title better if it tried really...

So, to read her article 'Being Bad is good for you' click HERE

and to find that episode on 4OD click HERE (Series 3 Episode 5)

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