Wednesday 24 March 2010

Response to Perfect Perpetual Passion's Weed and Wisdom blog

Now first of all I have to say that I disagree that drugs have always been controversial. Maybe in our lifetimes but certainly not forever. I mean look at the Zulu's they used to take 'hard' drugs before going into battle so they would not be scared, infact many cultures still take hallucenogens as a way of gaining spirituality.

Again i would like to point out that i disagree that Cannibis harms anyone. It has been scientifically prove to be less dangrous that alcohol or cigarettes, and there have been No direct deaths as a result of cannabis. To smoke enough to kill you, you would long pass out before that even happened.... Infact controversially if you watch the film superhigh me (which i will be blogging about soon) you will see that the subject (who smoked large amounts of cannabis daily) actually had a gain in his I.Q.

even still i do like the way you have taken from personal experience and i do always enjoy reading your blogs :)


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