Sunday 7 March 2010

Masturbation 'Cuts Cancer Risk'

Now its ironic that from our lecture on masturbation (looking at all the health risks), that this article should be posted by the BBC.

It claims that masturbation actually lowers the risk of cancer. The claim is that regualr Ejaculation could 'flush out' the prostate lowering the chances of prostate cancer.

What confuses me is the way that the say 'masturbation' when its simply ejaculation. This to me is simply an example of using the stigma of the word to get more readers and publicity on the story. As we learn't the etymology of the word is difficult to decipher but whats obvious is that it is derogatory. Even the way in which people talk about masturbation in the story is with a hint of trouble.

"If these findings hold up, then it's perfectly reasonable that men should be encouraged to masturbate," he said.

Perfectly reasonable... should be? Look at those words they make it sound like the man is being encouraged to do something bad... How strange?

Link to the article

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