Tuesday 9 March 2010

That Jimmy Carr Joke..

In anticipation of the Bad comedians lecture...

You may or may not know about the Armed forces joke that landed Jimmy Carr in an awful lot of trouble. It gained masses of publicicty and some MPs called for the end of his career (a bit O.T.T if you ask me).

He was quoted as saying...
"Say what you like about the servicemen amputees from Iraq and Afghanistan, we are going to have a f**king good Paralympics team in 2012."

Now I understand that this joke was distasteful (and i have family who are fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan), but that is the stereotypical british comedian is it not? I mean there has been millions of jokes that would offend all types of people. What made it unnessecary for me was the way that a radio program was calling up families who had lost sons/daughters and husbands/wives and asking how they felt? Thats like asking an irishman how he feels about an irish joke, or a fat person about a fat joke, or your mama about a youurrrrr mama joke. Surely some kind of common sense should prevail, these people are greiving losses of family members so pouring salt in the wounds is just uncalled for.

As you will see in the SkyNews video an Iraq amputee claims that the joke is funny and squaddies in a similiar position need those kinds of jokes to keep spirits up.

Anyways, ive certainly heard worse and i know you all have too.

Click HERE to see the news report and his apology
Click HERE for the news story i came across.

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