Tuesday 13 April 2010

Carey outburst on Woods' wife?

Apparently according to a news story Jim Carey claimed that Elin (Tiger Woods wife) must have known about the affairs and been a 'willing participant'. Now the story claims that this was an outrageous outburst from Carey however this is exactly what he said.

'No wife is blind enough to miss that much infidelity. Elin had 2 b a willing participant on the ride 4 whatever reason. kids/lifestyle ;^)'

Now forgive me if i am being slightly stupid here... but am i the only one who can see that emoticon at the end that suggests that Jim is JOKING? I mean he is simply talking and making an outlandish comment that he as a comedian would be expected to make. If you do your homework and actually read his twitter page you will see that he is often talking about controversial subjects and making jokes out of them in one way or another.

For Carey's Twitter click HERE

Monday 12 April 2010

Frankie 'Down with the Syndrome' Boyle..

Now im all for nasty comedians, i love the way they poke fun at people and parts of life that most of us will only talk about in our own living rooms. But Frankie Boyle really was an idiot this time around.

He made jokes about down syndrome for around 5 mins which upset (not offended) a member in the front row, she did not voice her opinion and tried to keep quiet (she was crying) but Frankie singled her out and asked why she was upset. Now this is all pretty terrible if you ask me, but what made it absoultely shocking was the way in which he handled the situation, his arrogance and ignorance somehow made him work out that the BEST answer to this situation was firstly "well you know its true then dont you?"

and DISGUSTINGLY second "Well i dont give a fuck this is my last tour ever anyway.'' Im guessing he only realised that after his 5 minute tirade of jokes on down syndrome.

Im not personally affected by any of this, and i know there are a million other jokes that could offend but it is the way he dealt with the situation that makes me so dissapointed.

To read the article click HERE
To see a video on his most disgusting jokes click HERE

Sunday 11 April 2010

What a TWIT..ter.

You may have seen in the news recently that a labour MP was sacked by Gordon Brown for being an idiot... no im joking, for posting abusive comments on his Twitter account.

Now im no expert P.R man but honestly anyone who is running for a seat in parliament and is calling Commons Speaker John Bercow a "t**", David Cameron a "t***" and Nick Clegg, the Liberal Democrat leader, "a b******" REALLY needs to be sacked.

It stuns me how someone who is clearly being watched and is talking on Twitter can say such things without possibly considering the consequences of his actions.

There is no two ways about this, it was bad, more so then that... it was plain stupid. It still amazes me how some people lack absolute common sense in their lives.. (especially our loved politicians).

For the article on the story click HERE
For a Youtube video by a man called SpinnyF*** (Who is opposed to the sacking) click HERE

Saturday 10 April 2010

Oh Tigers not out of the Woods is he?

Good old Eldrick 'Tiger' Woods.

The man who will now FOREVER be famous because of his string on infidelities. He has lost sponsor deals, quite a lot of face and a serious amount of female respect.... however look at his reception from being back at the Masters in Augusta... people couldn't honestly care less.

Its strange that we all disliked Tiger for what happened but he is so important to golf that without him the viewing figures drop, prize money drops, crowds drop... Its quite funny how someone who does something so wrong but is so important is instantly forgiven because without him golf reverts back to being that boring sport for old white men.

For a link on a YouTube video about him click HERE
For a link on an interesting article on how Golf was feeling his absence (financially) click HERE

Friday 9 April 2010

Response to Being Worse's Blog 'Soffware Downloads'

So i know im being risky responding to my tutor but he (or you if your marking this at the moment Mark.) always provides an interesting read.

I completely agree with your issues around Microsoft and i personally have always disliked the way anything Microsoft will become SUPER SLOW after a period of a bout 4 months or so.

I hate to admit that i have changed to the dark sickening GUI side of life (macs) and i find that while their prices are extortion (That's where Dads and Uni discount come in)... they are incredible when it comes to usability and look great (or sickening haha). In complete disagreement with your picture i'm not doing this to be different just because i got bored and wanted to really see what the mac fuss was all about!

I think your writing style is great, always a fun read and while your post is not exactly about any kind of being bad i hope you accept this reply as a simple comment to another user on their writing and content :)

Windows are definitely being bad however.... absolutely robbing our pockets on their software prices

HOWEVER Mr. Jones, i suggest you do some reading on 'cloud computing' verrrry interesting and it would effectively kill of Microsoft. Its a type of OS where everything is web-based, all files, programs etc etc and you only use them when you need to (so no software downloads or anything ... i.e screwwwing Mr Gates).

See www.beingworse.blogspot.com for more fun from Mr. Jones (ledge.)

Monday 5 April 2010

Goldfish Granny Dealer...

I can not believe how ridiculous this story is. A poor woman was fined 1000 pounds and got tagged for selling a goldfish to a 14 year old boy.

How on earth does she deserve to be treated like that? This ordeal has actually cost US the taxpayer (well not me as im a student haha) 20,000 pounds. Not only that in the Daily Mail they outline a large number of people who have commited worse crimes but had to do less!

for example,

A heroin dealer was busted and only served a 12 month community service punishment,


A man beat a dog to death with a hammer and was only tagged for four months with NO fine.

How on earth does this justice weigh up at all? It was revealed that the boy was a sting (set up by the police)... shouldn't they really be using the boy for things like busting drug dealers outside schools... if its even ETHICAL to use a 14 year old in the first place. Add to that, this boy was 6ft tall and a few days short of his 15th birthday, and its only in the last four years that this has become illegal as before they were given away as prizes at fairs!

Rant over.

For the article click HERE
For an interesting blog on the article click HERE

Friday 2 April 2010

Respone to Eloheem: poppa was a...........

You have quite a way with words Daniel and your blogs are always hiding a slight amount of humour on whatever it is that you write about which is refreshing.

Now to the point, are lies ever acceptable? that is the question. I feel that we can only honestly judge a lie when we actually research the meaning and surrounding issues around it. Unfortunately that is almost impossible to do unless you are the liar yourself. Should the child have been bribed? well odds are he will spill the beans at some point in later life anyways... But what if Daddy was being blackmailed? or doing it because his wife was abusive? (you see what im getting at?)

Anyways man you gotta be careful when your blogging about Tiger Woods like that ;^)

See www.eloheem.blogspot.com

Thursday 1 April 2010

Response to Eloheem: Breaking the law......

I really enjoyed reading this post, you outlined some humorous and smart issues where breaking the law really isn't all that big a deal.

It often raises that question in my head of if a man steals a loaf of bread for his starving family. Is it stealing? (to me no, but judicially ..YES).

Im sure all of us in our lives have broken some kind of law at some point, i mean odds are everyone who can drive has broken a speed limit somewhere at some point, and im sure that most people have downloaded a song, streamed illegally online, but more often then not we get away with this things.

So are there two types of law?

See www.eloheem.blogspot.com

Everyday Shenanigans and Serious?

Who knows.

Tuesday 30 March 2010

Respone to Eloheem: Woman in Islam.

I do agree with what you have shown here about Islam and that may be true for a lot of cases. However mate, i grew up and spent most of my life (bar about 4 years) in the Middle East and South East Asia.

Infact the man in Islam can have multiple wives but the woman cant have multiple husbands... so i cant see the level pegging there mate?

Im not by any means demeaning Islam as a religion like i said most of my life has been engulfed in that culture and for the most part it is extremely loving however i must disagree when you say that women and men are equal. It says in the Qu'ran that men are over women

Quran 4.34: "Men are in charge of women, because Allah has made made men to be better than women. Women must obey men, and if they refuse they must be punished."

On a lighter note can you imagine a man in any religion asking? if he can have an affair? HAHA thats asking for trouble isnt it?
Nice Post tho man, awesome stuff as usual

See www.eloheem.blogspot.com

Saturday 27 March 2010

Response to Eloheem: Tattoos

Well man, after reading how you feel about tattoos i find it interesting that you link the way tattoosa are percieved to the way that people look at and act around smoking. You simple point that you cant please everybody is true, tattoos are and forever will be an acquired taste to a certain extent. I mean look at it this way Japanese tattoos are perhaps the most famous in the world (thanks to the history surrounding them) however if you were to go to a public pool in Japan with tattoos you would be instantly kicked out.

And with a direct regard to your comment about smoking im sure my mum would much prefer me inked up than smoking but.. different strokes for different folks i guess eh?

End of the day, i plan to look like Michael Schofield out of prison break soon, but dont plan to smoke any ciggys, but like you say.. i do understand why people would smoke and as long as your not forcing me im all gooood with it :P

See www.eloheem.blogspot.com

Wednesday 24 March 2010

Response to Perfect Perpetual Passion's Weed and Wisdom blog

Now first of all I have to say that I disagree that drugs have always been controversial. Maybe in our lifetimes but certainly not forever. I mean look at the Zulu's they used to take 'hard' drugs before going into battle so they would not be scared, infact many cultures still take hallucenogens as a way of gaining spirituality.

Again i would like to point out that i disagree that Cannibis harms anyone. It has been scientifically prove to be less dangrous that alcohol or cigarettes, and there have been No direct deaths as a result of cannabis. To smoke enough to kill you, you would long pass out before that even happened.... Infact controversially if you watch the film superhigh me (which i will be blogging about soon) you will see that the subject (who smoked large amounts of cannabis daily) actually had a gain in his I.Q.

even still i do like the way you have taken from personal experience and i do always enjoy reading your blogs :)

see http://perfectperpetualpassion.blogspot.com/

Tuesday 23 March 2010

Response to Eloheem Lying what it leads to post

Lies can often lead to a myriad of lies and problems that we could never imagine. But lets be honest DJ you've lied, i've lied, we've all lied. Lies sometimes can be used constructively to help a person who otherwise would not have had courage to do something. Or to help someone live with a major disease or problem (just a few examples). Lies are part of human nature, its just how you do it and the way you do it that makes you a bad or good person. While we consider lies bad, we all do it, so in truth they can be constructive and should be if you are going to lie.

See www.eloheem.blogspot.com

Monday 22 March 2010

My Tattoo's

Now i know tattoos are sometimes frowned upon (and sometimes rightly so), but nowhere near as much as they used to be infact their history is quite amazing... (and im a great lover of tradition).

At 15 I got my first tattoo an eagle on my back, and honestly i was WAY too young to really have made any kind of mature decision, thankfully i didnt get anything novelty that would now look stupid. Since then I have quite a few more and they are not deep in meaning at all. I just feel that when i get something on me for the rest of my life that it must be 'worthwhile' and have a meaning of some sort, i must have put mature thought into the decision basically.

I decided recently to get a Japanese Dragon on my right arm/chest/back. The reason for this is that Japanese tattoos are very popular due to the history that surrounds them. They were normally symbols that you were part of the Yakuza (Japanese Mafia) but have since become a symbol of tattoo tradition. I like the way that the piece of art is symbolic of change in opinion, now tattoos are pretty mainstream (thanks to the tv shows mainly) they have evolved into something completely different.

Tattoos were used for a number of reasons...

- Tribal tattoos were used by polynesian warriors to scare the enemy and symbolise the story of their life.

- Criminals and sailors in europe were the first to get tattooed. This is where you may have seen the 'swallow' or the 'anchor' as they are extremely traditional.

- In Africa people get tattooed as a coming of age and some even get Scarred with a blade to resemble to mark of a 'crocodile'.

Originally it was a sign of you being a criminal now most young adults are getting them as a kind of right of passage. I find this so fascinating and quite relevant to what we are studying, its so interesting how something that is permenant can be 'bad' and then over time with exposure can become something that is so mainstream most parents are tattooed.

For a link on criminal tattoo's click HERE
For a link on how to read into criminal tattoos click HERE

Sunday 21 March 2010

John Dillinger.. Outlaw..

If you have seen public enemies you know about John Dillinger (alternatively you know about Johnny Depp and forgot about the movie).

This man was a kind of Robin Hood (however there was no giving to the poor, he only gave the customers their money back who were in the bank when he was robbing it) as he robbed from the banks in America during the Great Depression. Due to this fact (and only this) he was idolized by the American press as really people had nothing to look forward to. In such a painful time in America Dillinger decided to stick to a life of crime as almost everyone was jobless and poor.

He like the other two men in my previous posts have been idolized in film and made into a character we actually like. Again i find it interesting how we look past the fact that he is killing and stealing (as it isnt from us) and there is that kind of 'good for you John' attitude about his behaviour. It is funny how in retrospect and so long as we are not affected directly we find it fascinating and amazing how terrible people do risky things. Maybe this suggests we all have that element of danger and crime inside ourselves that is now satisfied by movies like the one about Dillinger... Or alternatively that other stories just are not that interesting to tell.

For a link on the FBIs case of Dillinger click HERE
For a trailer on the Public Enemies Movie click HERE

Saturday 20 March 2010

Frank Lucas...he was pretty bad in all honesty..

If you have seen one of my favourite movies (American Gangster). Then you will know this name..

Frank Lucas was a drug dealer/Gangster in the 1960s in Harlem. He has since been glorified in the movie American Gangster by Denzel Washington. What interests me (other than this great movie) is the way a drug dealer who bought directly from the source and shipped the drugs back in the coffins of dead american soldiers has been glorified in history and cinema.

I mean how on earth can he be made a character we feel for and relate to in the movie? because if you think about it, everything he is doing is really quite terrible (abusing a dead soldiers coffin, murder... etc), yet he was a much loved member of the Harlem community, partly because he used to hand Turkeys out during thanksgiving to those who couldn't afford their own, and when convicted he helped give out 700 convictions to crooked cops and other dealers (obviously to shorten his sentence). But more than anything due to his gangster status and his brand of cocaine called 'blue magic'.

Click HERE to see a link on a recent interview with Lucas (read the comments most people actually do not seem to like him or what he stands for...).

Click HERE for the American Gangster Trailer (gives you an idea of what im talking about if you haven't seen the movie).

Friday 19 March 2010

Robin 'the loan shark' Hood

After the lecture i did some research on Robin Hood to find out that a new book suggests that he stole from the rich and LENT to the poor. Interesting eh? this tarnishes his so called hero status if you ask me. He literally was like a loan shark.

A new book that studies the earliest records of the legend point to a story of a knight who needed 400 pounds to repay a debt to an Abbot. Robin offered to give it to him so long as he paid it back over the year. Robin then actually stole the money from the Abbot due to his greed and decided not to take the Knights repayments (as he had already stolen the money he was owed).

This really interests me especially due to the fact that Robin Hood was an outlaw, he stole... but for some reason because he is doing it for a reason we believe to be good then a bad act becomes acceptable. It is strange how bad things can become good when we think the circumstance allows it, this in a way means that anything we consider 'bad' is always good in the right situation...

To see a link to the article click HERE
To see the new trailer for the 'Badass' Robin Hood click HERE

Thursday 18 March 2010

Ugly People are More Dangerous?

I found a (personally hilarious) article funded by the U.S government stating that ugly people are more dangerous!

Not only are physically unattractive teenagers likely to be stay-at-homes on prom night, they're also more likely to grow up to be criminals, say two economists who tracked the life course of young people from high school through early adulthood.

"We find that unattractive individuals commit more crime in comparison to average-looking ones, and very attractive individuals commit less crime in comparison to those who are average-looking," say Naci Mocan of the University of Colorado and Erdal Tekin of Georgia State University.

Other studies have shown that unattractive men and women are less likely to be hired, and that they earn less money than the better-looking. Such inferior circumstances may steer some to crime, Mocan and Tekin suggest.

This study is fantastically weird to say the least, firstly its quite the statement to make as isnt beauty in the eye or the beer-holder... i mean BEHOLDER. :) And secondly why are economists actually conducting this study.. what do they know about this?

So guys we can work out that if you are 'Being Bad' its only because you ugly.


(is basically what this is claiming, which in no way agrees with what I think people).

To see the study click HERE
To find out how to be 'more' attractive click HERE (yes the internet really does have EVERYTHING)

Wednesday 17 March 2010

The 5th Worst Place on Earth... Wolves.

You may have read this story as it was published quite recently and got a lot of attention. LonelyPlanet claimed that Wolves was the 5ht worst place on earth... 'just' behind Compton (in the U.S.).

Personally I find this quite amazing to read, we all know Wolves isnt the greatest place on earth but its just like any other industrial city if you ask me.

While the story is interesting, what concerns me is why they would do such a thing. What study did they make? What information are they using? Maybe LonelyPlanet did this on purpost because as they say bad publicity is good publicity. But what makes a place bad? because everywhere has a nicer area and in general we all live at home in relatively safe conditions, so how can this be considered 'bad'. When you look at places like Darfur in Sudan or Zimbabwe which are suffering massively with starvation, disease and murder.

To read the article click HERE
To read facts about lovely Wolves click HERE

Tuesday 16 March 2010

Response to Eloheem Masturbation 2 Post

I couldnt agree more with you there DJ, where exactly do these people get their information from. To collect this would mean to ask people in the public and hope for truthful answers (im assuming). Which if we are going to think critically of these figures sounds very unreliable to me. Im certain there are a large amount of people who dont conform to the statements they have made, however one musn't forget that to make a large statement that is shocking to the reader.. gets you readers! So im sure based on the odd general knowledge and educated guess they have compiled this to make us men and those ever dissaproving ladies read about our sexual habits!

Yet AGAIN these statements point towards MALES, theres no female equivalent, it is interesting how society views this habit.

See www.eloheem.blogspot.com

Monday 15 March 2010

Sexuality. Homo...Hetro...Metro...Bi.. Who knows

Something that tickled me is how perceptions of homosexuality have changed over time. You may or may not know but i found out when i was studying Psychology A-level that no longer than 25 years ago Homosexuality was in the DSM-IV. This is the Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders. A therapists bible if i may say so, it actually pointed out how to help someone and diagnose them if they were 'suffering' with homosexuality.

Amazing really, weve come a long way..... Queer eye for the straight guy, Pineapple studios, 4 Poofs and a Piano, Graham Norton.... The list goes on and im pretty certain that none of them are mentally ill (i retract that statement with regards to Graham Norton).

See the wikipedia article on the DSM IV and its controversies HERE

and see HERE for the article on Gender Identity Disorder (being gay effectively) and how that was considered 'wrong' back then.

Sunday 14 March 2010

Performance Enhancing... Supplements.. Whats the Difference?

In all honesty if an athelete is not allowed to take performance enhancing drugs, then why are they allowed to take supplements? And why are their performances allowed to be enhanced by other means (such as scientifically?)

Well one Doctor (Timothy Noakes) argues that performance enhancing drugs has a much greater affect than any kind of equipment, supplement or science.
"[W]hen used by fully trained, elite athletes, [performance-enhancing] drugs can improve performance to a much greater extent than any combination of the most intensive, sophisticated, and costly nonpharmaceutical interventions known to modern sports science."

However Greg Skidmore and Kenan Malik makes points that ring true with me, for example Skidmore uses the example of Tiger Woods (everyones favourite golfer at the moment) who has LASIK laser eye surgery making his eyes see 5 feet further than the average human eye.. surely now that is performance enhancing is it not? And Malik usesone example of the England Rugby team, he says that we used body-hugging shirts in the 2003 world cup (which we did), consequently making it harder to hold on and tackle our players... again what makes this 'not' perfomance enhancing and how is that allowed?

In my Opinion we should have a 'special' Perfomance Enhanced Olympics.. that would make for incredible watching if you ask me.

So in all honesty are these atheletes actually 'Being Bad'? :)

For the link on the ethical argument of the Performance enhancing drug click HERE.

Also Click HERE for a video on Dwain Chambers talking about using perfomance enhancing drugs.

Saturday 13 March 2010

Response to Rick Sahota 'spanking the monkey blog'

You honesty is something not a lot of people would feel brave enough to admit. I admire that as often we are more similar than others would think of feel to admit. Its interesting that you relate peoples stress levels to their sexual activity. I believe people do feel a certain degree of tension if they cannot practise some kind of sexual relief. Chemically the release of endorphins (during orgasm and exciting activity) is what makes peopel feel relaxed afterwards as it 'takes it out of them'. So i will risk infering that you may have some people who are not sexually active but release endorphins in other ways maybe by playing constant sports or being in a band that gigs a lot?

Friday 12 March 2010

7 up, made you UP

Having done some research after studying the lecture slides.

I came across something quite interesting about 7up and the name behind it. It was originally called ''Bib-label lithiated lemon-lime soda''. It contained Lithium Citrate, this actually raises ones mood, in turn creating the name 7-Up (as it literally gives you an up).

You may or may not know that Coke had its Cocaine in the early days, and 7-Up had its mild anti-depressant which of course its quite a lot less dangerous than cocaine. It is strange how these days everything has to be natural yet back then (this drink was released around the Great Depression quite the timing eh?) nothing was better than something to get you 'up' (and thats in the mood sense guys..).

See the link that informed me about all the 7 UP'ing HERE

Thursday 11 March 2010

The Marijuana Debate

Not so long ago in the past professor David Nutt was sacked for claiming that the government was distorting information, he claimed from a scientific point of view that it has been proven that marijuana poses no long term health or social issues.

“I think we have to accept young people like to experiment, and what we should be doing is to protect them from harm at this stage of their lives... We therefore have to provide more accurate and credible information. We have to tell them the truth, so that they use us as their preferred source of information. If you think that scaring kids will stop them using, you’re probably wrong.” (Prof. Nutt)

We have long been told throughout history that Marijuana is a bad substance, however when you are actually talking about drugs dont forget Alcohol. People so often turn a blind eye to what suits them, and i dont know if you have noticed the new alcohol campaign that talks about long term damage (in posters around Wolves)... But lets be honest that is basically saying that Alcohol (everyones favourite drug) is actually WORSE than cannabis. How is it that a man making a perfectly reasonable judgement can be fired from his position?

Free and Open democratic society? I think not.

For the Goverment Regulations on a Classes A, B and C drugs click HERE
For the sky news article click HERE


An Anti Social Behaviour Order can be given for almost any reason under the sun. They have been around for so long and really pose no threat to anyone. Its almost impossible to police anti-social behaviour without infringing on normal freedom or everday behaviour.

For Example (and this is just one of many), a woman in Wearside was given an ASBO for making too much noise during sex... (incredible). But unfortunately the asbo prevented her from making any loud noise at all, so that means she could so easily breach her terms at a concert.. or a party... (anyways.. she did break the ASBO 5 times with co-partner in crime 'steve')

I feel a man called Paul Cavadino (who is the head of NACRO effectively an ASBO charity) makes a good point about ASBOs claiming they are mostly handed to youths of 10-17, leading to these youths labelling themselves as criminals by being youthful. However i do disagree in the way that this behaviour was bad long before ASBOs, and it seems just to be the unfortunate 'British' way of life growing up.

For the article on the Noise-making machine click HERE
and for the article on the statistics on ASBOs from the House of Commons Click HERE (i suggest you read the case studies, some are hilarious)

Wednesday 10 March 2010

Response to Eloheem: Masturbation post

It is rather strange that we would post such similar blogs. However i find it interesting that your article seems to suggest its for over 50s, while mine seems to suggest that in general it is a good thing to do.

I am still stunned by the way that the title says 'MASTURBATION' and yet the article itself goes on to talk about masturbation and talk about sexual intercourse. It again proves the stigma around the word, it shows that people reading that title will be relatively shocked to see that there is some kind of positivity around masturbation!

Im still looking to see a female study on womens mastubatory habits as well... we all know its not just us.

See www.eloheem.blogspot.com

Tuesday 9 March 2010

That Jimmy Carr Joke..

In anticipation of the Bad comedians lecture...

You may or may not know about the Armed forces joke that landed Jimmy Carr in an awful lot of trouble. It gained masses of publicicty and some MPs called for the end of his career (a bit O.T.T if you ask me).

He was quoted as saying...
"Say what you like about the servicemen amputees from Iraq and Afghanistan, we are going to have a f**king good Paralympics team in 2012."

Now I understand that this joke was distasteful (and i have family who are fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan), but that is the stereotypical british comedian is it not? I mean there has been millions of jokes that would offend all types of people. What made it unnessecary for me was the way that a radio program was calling up families who had lost sons/daughters and husbands/wives and asking how they felt? Thats like asking an irishman how he feels about an irish joke, or a fat person about a fat joke, or your mama about a youurrrrr mama joke. Surely some kind of common sense should prevail, these people are greiving losses of family members so pouring salt in the wounds is just uncalled for.

As you will see in the SkyNews video an Iraq amputee claims that the joke is funny and squaddies in a similiar position need those kinds of jokes to keep spirits up.

Anyways, ive certainly heard worse and i know you all have too.

Click HERE to see the news report and his apology
Click HERE for the news story i came across.

Monday 8 March 2010


Look at Amsterdam, they are perhaps the most famous example of a place that has legalized prostitution.

I think its safe to say we assume prostitution is something done by 'those dutch folk' more than us english and while it is true, it is only just true.

When comparing research I found that 9% of men in London had paid for sex at some point and 13.5% of Dutch men had. Firstly of course its funny how there are no women at all included in the study. Having been to Amsterdam just this christmas holiday and actually lived in the red light district (before you think it or ask it, NO i didnt.) There are a fair few ladies around, although it must be said the majority is your typical english or american middle-aged man who is most probably married on a business trip (of course im infering here).

My point is we think that Amsterdam is so radical and crazy because they legalize marijuana and prostitution, but dont forget the act of 'paying for sex' IS legal in Britain, and for all intensive purposes there are so many loopholes and grey areas in the marijuana laws that you could quite easily grow a personal amount for oneself to 'dabble' in. Just by looking at the facts you can see that (while these studies are representative) about only 4.5% of more Dutch men do it.

Is it really that bad an act? Well the act of trafficking of course is nothing but horrifying. But people have paid for sex all through the ages and Amsterdam shows with regualtion there really isnt much difference between them and us.

I personally could never comprehend perfoming an act with a stranger and would never be inclined to do so, but im looking at this from the perspective of 'Being Bad' and trying to see if they are really that different to us.

For a link on the PhD study of Netherlands and the sexual habits click HERE
For a link on the 'more men pay for sex in the UK' report click HERE

Sunday 7 March 2010

Masturbation 'Cuts Cancer Risk'

Now its ironic that from our lecture on masturbation (looking at all the health risks), that this article should be posted by the BBC.

It claims that masturbation actually lowers the risk of cancer. The claim is that regualr Ejaculation could 'flush out' the prostate lowering the chances of prostate cancer.

What confuses me is the way that the say 'masturbation' when its simply ejaculation. This to me is simply an example of using the stigma of the word to get more readers and publicity on the story. As we learn't the etymology of the word is difficult to decipher but whats obvious is that it is derogatory. Even the way in which people talk about masturbation in the story is with a hint of trouble.

"If these findings hold up, then it's perfectly reasonable that men should be encouraged to masturbate," he said.

Perfectly reasonable... should be? Look at those words they make it sound like the man is being encouraged to do something bad... How strange?

Link to the article

Saturday 6 March 2010

Bullying Mr. Brown?

In the last few weeks it has come to light that Gordon Brown has been accused of 'bullying'

a certain Mr Wood claimed that the prime minister pushed him aside. Now if you ask me i think the word BULLYING should not be thrown around. i mean the leader of our country got stressed and he was in the way, so he should be shoving people out of the way, he is working for all of us!

That in my opinion is NOT bullying. Millions of people everyday suffer from bullying and have horrible times we could never imagine. What happend in Downing Street in my opinion is handbags and Brown is not Being Bad.

Below see the excerpt and also see the links to the article on Browns Bullying.

"He said: “He [Mr Brown] was in a really bad mood. He walked up the stairs. And I leant forward and he went ‘Outta my way’.

“And did that [Mr Wood make a sweeping gesture with his arm] ‘Get outta my way!’ Then he walked off.”

He added: “He’s never punched me. He did push me aside, I was slightly shocked."

Link to Telegraph Article on Bullying.

Friday 5 March 2010

Being Bad is Good?

Isn't it always better to let things out? Thats what i was told, (of course there is a time and a place) but holding pent-up aggression or sadness can lead to problems in your health mentally and physically.

While we are more often than not told to not hold back, we are never expected to ball our eyes out or scream and shout on a daily basis to 'feel better'. Well a certain Victoria Lambert in the Daily Mail claims to have found that a large number of things we would consider bad for us are actually fantastic for our health.

I shall name but a few!

1. Swearing actually eases pain (i recently saw proof of that on Friday 5th March on embarresing bodies, check 4OD for that Episode.)

2. Fizzy Drinks actually can reduce your chances of Alzheimers and dementia

3. Lazing about adds years to your life

4. Video Games Boost your metabolism

5. Fidgiting Fights Obesity.

To name but a FEW! And while these are rather exotic statements to make, the article does provide all the necessary information (should you choose to believe it or not) on the studys and research conducted to prove these points!

This couldn't fit the topic and module title better if it tried really...

So, to read her article 'Being Bad is good for you' click HERE

and to find that episode on 4OD click HERE (Series 3 Episode 5)

Thursday 4 March 2010

Bad Behaved Kids

Badly behaved kids... Adults who do well in the real world.

You would think that to be a successful adult a child would have to be well behaved, but the truth is bad behaviour is only classifiable by the situation in which it is presented. For example I read a statement that rings very true to me,

"often the behaviours that people can't tolerate in children are the very things that they admire in adults. For instance, an argumentative child, is a child who sees things from a different perspective and has the confidence to express his or her ideas - a great business asset!" Click HERE for the link to this website

The truth you have to ask yourself is, are there really badly behaved children? Or are they inquisitive to the point of questioning things which annoys teachers?

Personally ive always thought teachers are people who have bad days, weeks and even terms. Yet you would NEVER hear a teacher at a parents evening do the 'adult' thing and admit to being lacklustre this term, or not paying much attention to that specific child now would you?

Click HERE for an interesting BBC article about how 'excluding' students is damaging for them and not the right way to go about things.

Saturday 27 February 2010

The Truth About The Peanut Study

After talking about the peanut study (which suggested that peanuts in a bar were tested and x amount of strains of urine were found) in one of our lectures i decided that i would simply follow up whether or not it was true or not.

What i came across was the blatant truth that No peanut bar study has ever been conducted. It does make me wonder where on earth people come up with these crazy 'made-up' studies just to prove a point about washing hands! I mean the truth is that a 'myth' is simply a massive lie that many of us believe.

However on the contrary i came across a study that was conducted on Ice Cubes in bars. It was found in 2003 that 44% of ice cubes in UK bars contained Coliform. Which is the bacteria present in human poo... nice eh? and amazingly 5% contained E.Coli (which is deadly).

Come to think of it i also failed to find any truth behind the idea that masturbation could cause blindness by stressing the veins in the back of your eyes. All i managed to find was that semen contains a lot of zinc, and Zinc defeciency can cause blindness. However... to get that far one would most likely DIE long before actually expelling enough Zinc.


See the rest of the list on 10 facts that are not true HERE

and for more old wives tales that are false see HERE

Thursday 18 February 2010

Lies Elections and Marijuana!

David Frost: Are you really saying the President can do something illegal?

Richard Nixon: I'm saying that when the President does it, it's *not* illegal!

David Frost: ...I'm sorry?

Do Politicians Lie?


But Why?

My point to all of this is that Politicians only lie based on what the public need to hear and know. The public doesn't necessarily always want to hear the truth. People want to hear what best suits them at the time. When two candidates are running and one of them tells the truth and the other says what the public wants to hear, the one who says what the public wants to hear wins the election. Thus;

If you want to win an election, start lying, because if your telling the truth you dont have a chance.

(Of course there are some exceptions!)

An example would be Bill Clinton in the 1992 election he ran against George Bush Snr. and won by telling the entire truth about the economic situation in America. However, the public didn't want to hear the 'whole truth'. When it came to smoking Marijuana, Clinton 'didn't inhale'. Now it doenst take a genius to honestly work out that, that is a massive lie and im almost certain he got completely stoned. But to admit to this would mean he is admitting to purposefully breaking the law, and how can the public possibly elect someone who has done that, and more importantly justify that election?

Personally, If I had been of voting age and American at that time, i cant say i would have cared if he would have experimented with that substance as half of Americans have, and which is arguably less dangerous than beer.

Simply put. If you want to get elected remember, you're expected to lie about smoking Green.

See the Article on Clinton trying marijuana here
And for Humourous reasons see this Urban Dictionary definition of the 'Bill Clinton Hit' :)

Tuesday 16 February 2010

Comment on Eloheem's Blog: Is it Stalking?

I made this comment to Daniel's blog on Is It Stalking?
See link: http://eloheem.blogspot.com/

"I like your post Dj. Your views on how the view of 'stalking' has changed with things like facebook are smart. I agree with you its true that looking at a profile isnt stalking, maybe the word is changing in its meaning over time due to social-networking sites. I mean you 'follow' people on Twitter imagine following someone around and just listening to random statements they make, that could get you arrested."

Monday 15 February 2010

Smoking Spoof Advertisements

We have all seen those terrible advertisements about smoking (for example the daily mail picture seen here) on T.V, YouTube, papers and magazines. They always seem to make smoking sound like an instant death sentence.

Youth culture and Viral videos have begun to revolt against these life endangering ads. For example if you follow the links you'll see a video on 'Nico breeze' and a collegehumor.com video about the sacrifices a man has had to make due to his addiction.

These advertisements seem to hint that people are becoming desensitized towards the 'horrors' of smoking being pushed in their face. I feel that this attempt of scaring people has actually played into the idea of smoking being rebellious and that these campaigns should be rethought.
Watch these videos, tell me what you think.